Legal Disclaimer


Corporate name: The owner of this Website is Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A., Sociedad Unipersonal (hereinafter, the “Company”), a company belonging to the SIX Group.

The Company is the holding company of the various subsidiaries that make up the BME Group. This website may contain information on both the Company and the other companies in its Group.

Registered office: Plaza de la Lealtad, 1, 28014 Madrid, Spain.

Register details: Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A., Sociedad Unipersonal, with tax identification number (C.I.F.) A-83246314 and registered at the Trade Tomo 17394, Folio 34, Sección 8ª, Hoja M-298422.



Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use

By accessing and using this website, all the users (hereinafter, the "users") declare that they know and accept the terms and conditions of use contained therein. If users do not agree with this, they must not use this website.

Website ownership

This website is owned by the Company. The intellectual property, operating and reproduction rights of this website, and its content, appearance and design, are owned solely by the Company, unless expressly stated otherwise. Anyone who wrongfully uses this website or its content can be prosecuted pursuant to the legislation in force.

The Company reserves the right to modify, update, expand and delete this website's content at any time and without the need for a prior warning, including the terms and conditions of use themselves. Likewise, it can restrict or cancel the access to this website for any reasons that it deems appropriate and at its entire discretion.

Scope of the website

All the information available on this website ("content") is solely for information purposes.

The Company does not plan to use this website as a direct or indirect vehicle or instrument for doing business or hiring people. This website cannot be used or considered, under any circumstance, as an offer to sell, a request for an offer to buy or an offer to carry out any type of transaction, unless expressly stated otherwise.

This website's content does not provide any legal or other advice from the Company regarding actions in the securities market since it is solely for information purposes. Consequently, it must not be used as the basis or recommendation for making investments or decisions. Users are responsible for obtaining the appropriate information and advice about the risks and regulations governing the securities market's organisation and operations. Users are also responsible for assessing and, where applicable, assuming the associated risks when operating in this market.

This website may contain information provided by third parties; the Company is not responsible for the veracity of such information and does not assume any liability for damages arising from using such information.

This website contains links to other websites with the aim of enabling users to have better information about the work, projects, initiatives and issues relating to the Company's corporate purpose. Users are responsible for assessing the content and usefulness of the information published on those other websites, and the Company is not responsible for the security or privacy of those links or for the content of those websites.

Third parties that wish to establish links to this website must obtain a prior written authorisation from the Company.

Website use

This website's content can be downloaded, if this is available, copied or printed solely for personal use. The Company is not responsible for any discrepancies between the printed and electronic version of the website's information.

Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, the copy, duplication, redistribution, electronic reproduction, printing, marketing or any other activity that can be carried out with this website's content are not permitted, whether they are partly or fully written or graphic documents, even if the source is stated, unless there is a prior written consent from the Company.


The Company does not guarantee, and is not liable for, the damages, losses, claims or expenses of any type arising from or in connection with the use, the impossibility of using or the illegal, negligent or fraudulent use of this website.

The Company can update and improve this website's content with the aim of providing a better service to users. However, the information on this website is not official. Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A., Sociedad Unipersonal responsibility is limited to the information published with an official nature.

The Company makes this website available to users in accordance with the current state of technology, which does not guarantee the security or privacy of this website, or the fact that it or its content is free from the risk of temporary interruptions, partial unavailability or other alterations. Users must know that any information received or sent through this website could be intercepted.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This legal disclaimer and this website are governed by Spanish legislation. To resolve any discrepancies between the Company and the website users, both parties expressly waive any other venue that corresponds to them and submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the civil and mercantile arbitration court of Madrid, Spain.


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